new friend

Screen shot 2013-06-13 at 9.27.45 AM_2I have a lot of friends who blog– Lynn and Ray and Cara and Sam all have blogs that I read religiously– but I haven’t really ever made a friend through blogging. I met the Bitchy Waiter when I was taping the Huffington Post Live segment– he has a blog about being a waiter (as I was reading, I was nodding my head and making those little “hmmm” sounds of agreement)– and it was great to connect with someone who balances his creative aspirations with the demands of a full-time job. One day we’ll meet up in New York and trade stories about babies at brunch, drunks at happy hour, and how every table always has that one jerk, that one asshole who flags you down, insists she is ready to order and then turns to a dining companion and asks “I don’t know what I want yet. What should I order?”

Say hello at the Bitchy Waiter.